Musicals In Tune ~ Library@Esplanade (FREE Event)
MTL-NLB Education Series
EPPL OpenStage
Musicals Appreciation Series 1, 2009 Jun 19 Friday 7pm to 8pm
The 1st series will be "Musicals In Tune - My Favourite Things (The Sound of Music)". Programme of the evening: Favourite musicals from The Sound of Music, Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserable, 天冷就回来, 雪狼湖 。Future programmes include Musicals Quizzes, TalkShows, and Screenings of MTL Musicals.
MTL-NLB Education Series
EPPL OpenStage
Musicals Appreciation Series 1, 2009 Jun 19 Friday 7pm to 8pm
The 1st series will be "Musicals In Tune - My Favourite Things (The Sound of Music)". Programme of the evening: Favourite musicals from The Sound of Music, Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserable, 天冷就回来, 雪狼湖 。Future programmes include Musicals Quizzes, TalkShows, and Screenings of MTL Musicals.
Partnership: MTL and NLB (Library@Esplanade) in collaboration with Intune Music School (a preferred partner of MTL and a constant supporter of MTL's visions) promote original local music from musicals, classical, instrumental, or pop music genre. One of the aims is to increase the understanding and appreciation of musicals.
InTune Music School
Songs of KenLYEN and DezMOEY
InTune Music School
Songs of KenLYEN and DezMOEY